This object is administratively located in the area of Kalibukbuk Village, Buleleng District with a height of 2 meters above sea level. Orbitasi this object is 8 Km from the city of Singaraja to the west through the main line Singaraja - Seririt so easily reached by motor vehicle. In addition to located on the main line of this site is located in the tourist area of Lovina as a beach tourist attraction that already has a name among the tourists domistik and abroad. To get to this object we turn left from Lovina area about 1 Km through paved road to Kayu Putih Village Melaka. This site is approximately 4 Ha of Anak Agung Sentanu in the form of coconut plantation.
Based on archaeological data Buddhism has developed in the VIII century AD in the days of ancient Bali, including in North Bali (Buleleng). Moreover, North Bali is the entrance of cultural influences from outside both Buddhists and Hindus. This is evidenced by the discovery of several Buddhist artefacts in the form of stupika, clay batteries, bronze statues, ceremonial instruments, and complex enshrinements at the Kalibukbuk site. The discovery of the Buddhist temple complex site in Kalibukbuk as a place for Buddhist worship shows that Buddhism has evolved in North Bali since the eleventh century - AD XIV. On this site there are three temples, namely the octagonal main temple and two perwara temples with a rectangular floor plan, which functions as a place of Buddhist worship in North Bali in the past.
The discovery of this site begins with found stupika and stamp duty of clay behind a hotel that is Hotel Angsoka when it was done excavation of a swimming pool in 1991 by the locals. In 1994, a similar object was found in the Anak Agung Sentanu moor when a well was dug by the locals. These findings made the Denpasar Archaeological Center to conduct research on the Kalibukbuk site from 1994 to 2002. After this study was carried out followed by archaeological technical studies conducted
by BP3 Bali Work Area of Bali Province, NTB, and NTT in 2002. Excavation activities (excavation) on this site found some artifacts in the form of batik berubas sprouts, elephant relief and ghana, which is part of the temple, also found 100 pieces stupika in the summit of the western perwara temple, and at the bottom of this stupika findings there is a composition of andesite stones. While the stupika found beneath the perwara temple to the east of the situation has been stirred. Based on these findings the Balai Arkeologi Denpasar concluded that this Kalibukbuk site comes from the century VIII - XIV AD. Kalibukbuk Temple complex faces southeast. This can be known because on the mother temple there are stairs on the southeast side. The building of the stupa when it was found that a large part has been damaged and the remaining is only the base. Other relics that are found are in the form of bricks decorated with tendrils and reliefs of Ghana with a squatting position, both hands lifted up on the side of the head as the position of holding the load on it. From the remnants of the decorative elements resulted in the reconstruction of the main temple in the form of stupas decorated with reliefs of Ghana are between the floor of the hiansan relief and the top of the foot of the temple.
Ganesha on the stupa becomes an indication of Shiva-Buddhist syncretism on this site. Stupas as bugis buildings using Siwaistic attributes, can only be possible if the supporters of the sacred church develop tolerant attitudes between different beliefs. The creation of Kalibukbuk stupas as a harmonious blend of Buddhist and Shiva (Hindu) elements reflects a high tolerance attitude among the scavengers and even the two teachings are merged into the Siwa-Buddha school. Today Kalibukbuk Stupa functioned by the community as a medium of worship for both Buddhists and Hindus, as in Hari Raya Saraswati many Hindus came to hold prayers on this site. Based on the findings and technical studies from BP3 Bali since 2002, then in 2004 began to be done in order to preservation and new settlement in 2008.
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